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Ankle Pain Treatment


Ankle pain its causes & treatment in Hyderabad

Chronic lateral Ankle Pain is a recurring pain on the outside part of the ankle that often develops after an injury.

These injuries typically happen when you accidentally twist or turn your ankle in an awkward way. This can stretch or tear the ligaments on the outside of your ankle.

Ankle pain can be caused by :

Ankle sprain
A fracture in one of the bones that make up the ankle joint
Arthritis of the ankle joint
Inflammation of the joint lining
Injury to the nerves that pass through the ankle.
Scar tissue in the ankle after a sprain. The scar tissue takes up space in the joint, putting pressure on the ligaments.
Torn or inflamed tendons

Types of Ankle Pain :

Ankle Tendinitis
Ankle Arthritis
Ankle Bursitis
Ankle Instability
Ankle Ligament Damage

Assessment :

From the moment you step into our rooms, we begin to assess you by simply analysing your gait and comfort levels.

Consultation will consider your level of pain and movement range, your age, size, any relevant medical conditions, lifestyle, activity requirements, and your desired outcome.

Physical Exam :

To provide a complete diagnosis, we conduct a physical exam testing the range of motion, pain levels and physical appearance of the skin.

Treatment solutions:

Medication and Pharmacotherapy
Ankle braces and other supportive bracing
Interventional techniques
Rehabilitation stretches and exercises
Moon boots
Compression garments
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy