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Upper Back Pain Treatment

Cervical / Upper Back Pain Treatment in Hyderabad

It doesn’t matter how often you work out or how well you eat, upper back pain has a way of sneaking into your life. In fact, many exercise regimens can lead to a debilitating condition. Pain in your upper back generally refers to the discomfort and aching around your shoulders and neck.

Upper Back Pain Symptoms:

When suffering from pain in your upper back, you may experience any of the following associated symptoms:

  • Reduced mobility
  • Lethargy or weakness
  • Difficulty sleeping due to the pain
  • Worsening posture
  • Neck misalignment
  • A burning sensation
  • Muscle spasms

Process Of Treatment

Treating Cervical Back Pain / Upper Back Pain:

Treating Cervical Back Pain / Upper Back Pain  will depend on the severity of the condition. When treating acute disc or back problems :

  • Rest. Avoid the activities that produce the pain (jumping, running, stairs, kneeling, squatting, etc).
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs and pain medications.
  • Apply ice to the neck and cervical spine to help reduce pain and associated muscle spasm.  Apply it right away and then at intervals for about 20 minutes at a time. Do not apply directly to the skin.
  • Instruction in correction and maintenance of good posture.
  • The use of a brace or other support may be necessary to reduce stress on the disc, muscles and cervical spine.
  • Physical therapy for back and disc problems must remain conservative at the beginning to avoid aggravating the condition. Your therapist should emphasize rest, reducing the inflammation and increasing the blood circulation for healing. Once the initial inflammation has been reduced, a program of stretching and strengthening will be started to restore flexibility to the joints and muscles involved, while improving strength and stability of the spine. Each program will be based on the structure causing the problem and symptoms. A program not tailored to the specific problem may aggravate symptoms

Medical Procedures:

Injections like facet injections, nerve blocks or an epidural. These may involve the injection of corticosteroids to a specific structure to reduce local inflammation.

  • Caudal Epidural Injections
  • Interlaminar Caudal Epidural Steroid Injections
  • Transforaminal Epidural Injections
  • Selective Nerve Root Blocks

Surgical Procedures:

  • Endoscopic Decompression
  • Endoscopic Foraminotomy
  • Percutaneous Decompression
  • IDET Intradiscal Eletrothermal Therapy
  • Selective Endoscopic Discectomy
  • Spinal Cord Stimulator
  • Epidural Lysis of Adhesions